Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Letter 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

Jason began working for MSA at Hanford in June and went full time in August. Jason and I found AdvoCare in March and became distributors for their nutritional supplements. We are currently packing up to move our family a few miles away into a larger home because our family grew again in September when my 18 year old cousin, Sierra Johansson, moved in with us. She is registered for CBC Winter of 2011 and her goal is to become a veterinarian.

Josie Ruth (5) is attending Pre-School and loves it! She is usually carrying around a pencil and paper pretending to be a social worker. Josie loves to sing and dance for us.

Jaycey Paige (4) loves to be the mom when playing and carries armloads of dolls and toys with her everywhere. We are anxiously awaiting court on January 10th so she and Jake can become legally free and the adoption process can begin.

J.J. (4, aka Jason Joseph, Jr.) won't let me forget the periods for his initials. He is becoming a true boy and takes pride in how sneaky he can be. His favorite is still when he got out of bed to paint the house with Jake. He is a super hero that rides a "super charger lawn mower" around the house!

Jake Aleksander is 2. He love cars and trucks. Jake is our dancing machine! He dances to every tune he hears.

Christmas is our time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We look forward to 2011 and the many possibilities in store for us and you!

With Love, The Jason Freeman Family