Sunday, November 30, 2008

Josie lost a nail, Yuck!

With all the fun of the after Thanksgiving shopping and visiting with family...there had to be something to help us remember that we are not perfect! Josie was riding on the bottom of a cart at Wal-Mart and she put her hand under a wheel. The nail of the pointer finger came completely off. At first we thought we could do the first aid by ourselves, then we took a closer look. There is a clinic close by so we went in there to get a doctor to help us take off the nail that was holding on by a thread and they told us to go to the emergency room.

Josie was a brave girl! She squirmed a bit as the doctor gave her a shot to numb the finger for the rest of the day. As we came out of X-Ray, she began to bite the finger because she couldn't figure out why she couldn't feel it. (There may be a small fracture at the tip...we are waiting for the radiologist to read it.) The doctor pulled of the nail, washed her finger off well and bandaged her up.

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